AVID Thank You

Thank you for your enrollment submission for WPS AVID Path Training. You shall soon receive an enrollment confirmation email with details from Graduate Workshops. Details will include required payment instructions. Please check with your instructor, Michelle Drumright at mdrumright1@usd259.net for assignment completion requirements, as a letter grade will be assigned on an official university transcript for this course.

If you must withdraw due to unforeseen circumstances, contact Graduate Workshops by June 7, 2019, to receive an official withdrawal form to be completed and returned. If you do not withdraw, you have officially enrolled into a university course that requires payment and a grade being entered on your transcript.

For additional questions, please contact Graduate Workshops at 316-295-5516 or email at educationworkshop@friends.edu.

Interested in viewing our complete listing of continuing education courses? Go to www.friends.edu/edworkshops and click on the summer brochure!

Thank you for allowing Graduate Workshops to serve you!

Graduate Workshops Staff