
Campus Security

Contact Security


Friends University wants to ensure our campus and sites will remain safe places for students, faculty, staff and guests. Your awareness of relevant policies and procedures is considered essential to campus security.

Friends University wants to ensure our campus and sites will remain safe places for students, faculty, staff and guests. Your awareness of relevant policies and procedures is considered essential to campus security.

The Friends security department consists of a full-time security director, law enforcement officers and security officers. The department is authorized to enforce laws and policies on university property. The Friends security department complies with the reporting requirements of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, has close working relations with the Wichita Police Department and cooperates with all law enforcement agencies.

It is the policy of the university that all incidents be reported to campus security and to the Wichita Police Department. In an emergency, call 9-1-1 and contact security at 316-295-5911. For the incidents log, please visit the Incident Log page.

Get notified by Falcon Alert

Falcon Alert Emergency Notification

The Falcon Alert Emergency Notification system alerts the university community in the event of a weather or critical incident emergency. The information you provide will only be used in the event of an emergency that impacts the health and safety of the Friends University community or results in closures of education centers or the main campus. It will not be shared with others or used for routine Friends University communications or announcements.

Learn more about Falcon Alert.

Reporting Crimes

All crimes occurring on campus or at university-owned property or controlled areas will be reported to the Wichita Police Department and to Friends University Security. The victim of crime on campus should first call 5911 for campus security, who will make a university report and in certain situations, obtain police and/or other emergency services. You will be directed to contact WPD case desk at 268-4221 to make a serial number report with the police.

Friends security personnel will respond to emergency situations and calls for aid on campus and will offer assistance until other agencies arrive. Campus crime victims are strongly encouraged to file a formal incident report with the University. These reports serve to document the incident, thus enabling the Security department to become better apprised of the situation and more proactive in follow-up and prevention efforts.

When completing the report, all pertinent information relating to the incident should be recorded, including a brief summary of the facts. A Friends University security officer or staff member will be available to take the report. Police case numbers need to be on the reports when they are available.

Incident Reporting Form

Reporting Injuries

A person reporting any injury sustained on campus needs to give the location and circumstances of the injury. If emergency medical attention is needed, 911 should be called immediately. When notified, security will respond to assist.

Suspicious Persons or Objects

If a person is seen acting suspiciously on or around the campus, call 316-295-5911 for campus security response. If possible, observe the activities of the suspect and make notes about clothing, vehicles and activities for security and the police. Campus security should also be contacted if a strange or suspicious object is observed. Do not handle any object that is suspicious in nature. Security will investigate and advise the appropriate agencies if necessary. Any object suspected of being dangerous will be isolated by evacuation of the building or area until the item has been identified as harmless or has been removed.

Traffic and Parking on Campus

Parking lots are restricted to those vehicles with valid University business. Problems experienced on campus due to improper driving or parking by others should be reported to security.

Campus security officers patrol the parking lots and issue tickets for violation of University parking regulations. Fines can be paid at the cashiers counter in the Sumpter Hall. Grades may be held until payment is made. Continued violation could result in a vehicle being towed.

Parking violations in handicap areas, fire lanes and on public streets around the campus may be enforced by the Wichita Police Traffic Section. Tickets issued by these officers must be paid or contested at City Hall.

As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain an organized and secure campus, we are implementing a mandatory parking sticker program for all employees and students. Each employee and student who parks on campus will be required to display a valid parking sticker on their vehicle.

Action Required: Please complete the following steps to sign up for your parking sticker:
Registration Form Employees:

Registration Form Students:

Submission Deadline: 08/23/2024
Sticker Collection: After registration, you can collect your parking sticker from the Casado Campus Center (CCC) Building. Visit the student worker’s desk in the basement to collect your parking sticker, which should be placed on the back window of your vehicle. 
Please make sure you bring your friend’s ID with you as proof of your identity.
Important Notes:
Only vehicles with a valid parking sticker will be permitted to park in designated employee parking areas.
Ensure that the sticker is clearly displayed on your vehicle at all times while on campus.
Failure to comply with this requirement may result in parking violations or other penalties.
If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please contact Campus Security at or call 316-239-5726.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and for helping us maintain a safe and orderly campus environment.

Employees QR code

Student QR code


Building Access

The Wichita campus of Friends University includes approximately 50 acres and 13 major buildings that are subject to applicable fire and safety laws and other relevant ordinances. Access to campus property and facilities is restricted to employees, students and persons with legitimate purpose. Trespassing and solicitation are prohibited. Listed below are some access restrictions that are particularly noteworthy.

Residence Halls

Friends University has various residence facilities: Green Residence Hall, Friends Village, Falcon Flats, Smith Apartments and Falcon Glenn. Access to buildings is limited to authorized employees, residents and invited guests. Specific guidelines for visitors are established and outlined in the residence handbooks. For specific information, please contact the Residence Life Office at 316-295-5500.

Athletic Facilities

Friends Athletic facilities are restricted to paying customers, staff, faculty and students with valid identification cards.

Other Buildings

Access is generally available to most campus buildings from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday, with some buildings open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Friends Security patrols all buildings on a regular basis.

Fire Alarms & Safety

Fire Evacuation Locations

Each building on campus contains an audible and sometimes visual alarm system. When an alarm is triggered, all building occupants are expected to vacate the premises immediately. Security officers on duty will respond to any fire alarm on campus and assist with evacuation and traffic control.

The following are the designated evacuation areas for each building in the case of a fire:

Adair Austin Stadium

Move toward practice field.

Business & Technology Building

Move to the Science parking lot to the west. If circumstances allow, people can go to Fine Arts (but no closer).

Fry/Woolman Hall

Move south to Casado.


Main campus area north of University Street.

Davis Administration Building

Move toward Fine Arts or Casado. Do not gather on Rose Window Plaza, as it will be needed for firetruck access.

Falcon Flats

Move east to Green Hall.

Falcon Glenn Apartments

Move to Casado.

Fine Arts Building

Move south to Davis Hall, or north to BTB (but no closer).

Friends Village

Move west to Casado.

Garvey Physical Education Building/Garvey Art

Move to Casado.

Green Residence Hall

Move east to Casado, or north ot Davis Hall.


Move toward Fine Arts.

Marriage and Family Therapy

Main campus area north of University Street.

Science Building

Move south toward Davis Hall.

Smith Apartments

Move west to Casado.

Sumpter Hall

Move south to Casado

Fire Safety

Learn more about fire safety on campus.

Storm Shelters

Severe Weather & Tornado Warnings

A notice will be issued through the Falcon Alert Emergency Notification System. Security officers or other university personnel may also issue alerts in campus facilities. Everyone on campus is to go to the designated shelter location and to remain there until an all-clear signal has been issued through the Falcon Alert system or by university personnel in charge.

Learn more about weather-related policies and actions.

The following are the designated areas in each building where you should seek storm shelter:

Adair Austin Stadium

DO NOT STAY IN THE AREA; go to the Garvey Physical Education Center Storm Shelter:
Areas west of the gym: the hallway, both locker rooms and storerooms
Restrooms on the ground floor
Interior racquetball court (last resort)

Business & Technology Building

Basement storage area (away from boilers, mechanical and electrical equipment)

Fry/Woolman Hall

Davis Administration Building: Hallway on the ground floor inside the fire doors


Lower level snack bar area
Center for Student Success(stay away from the atrium area)

Davis Administration Building

Hallway on the ground floor inside the fire doors

Falcon Flats

Basement storage area

Falcon Glenn Apartments

Designated storm shelter: inside laundry room

Fine Arts Building

Restrooms under the balcony seats
Basement under the stage
Interior dressing room east of the stage
The music library

Friends Village


Garvey Physical Education Building/Garvey Art

Areas west of the gym: the hallway, both locker rooms and storerooms
Restrooms on the ground floor
Interior racquetball court (as a last resort)

Green Residence Hall



Interior Corridors
Interior Offices (away from the atrium area)

Marriage and Family Therapy

Interior Corridors away from glass

Science Building

Restrooms on first floor and classroom 100

Smith Apartments


Sumpter Hall

Basement storage area (away from boilers, mechanical and electrical equipment)

Substance Abuse and Prevention

The possession, sale, distribution, manufacture or transportation of illicit drugs is strictly prohibited at Friends University by both Kansas law and Friends University regulations.

Possession and/or consumption of alcohol, liquor or cereal malt beverages on the university campus or at university-sponsored events is strictly prohibited.

The university is committed to a program designed to prevent the abuse of alcohol and dangerous drugs by employees and students. Employees and students of the university found to be abusing alcohol or using, possessing, manufacturing or distributing controlled substances or alcohol in violation of the law on university property or at university-sponsored events shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable policies of Friends University.

Discipline may include, but is not necessarily limited to, expulsion; termination of employment; referral for prosecution; and/or the completion, at the individual’s expense, of an appropriate substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.

For a complete copy of Friends University’s Substance Abuse Prevention program, including a quick reference guide for helpful resources, please see the following offices: Human Resources, Campus Life, Academic Affairs, Edmund Stanley Library, Campus Security, Student Government and Campus Health.

Read the substance abuse policy.

The Use of Tobacco

Friends University prohibits the use of tobacco and vaping in any form on campus.

Possession of Weapons

Lethal weapons of any kind, most notably firearms, are prohibited on the Friends University campus. If any weapon is found, the owner will be asked to remove it from campus. The violator could be subject to sanctions by the University of up to, and including, expulsion or termination.

Sexual Assault

Strict penalties are mandated by the state of Kansas for conviction of forcible rape. Penalties for other sex offenses may result in incarceration. Sanctions by the University for those responsible for sex offenses (forcible or non-forcible) will be designed to suit each individual case and range up to permanent expulsion from the University.

If a sexual offense occurs on campus, the victim is strongly encouraged to immediately report the information to the Wichita Police Department and Friends Security and to seek medical attention. The Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center and the Women’s Resource Center are two agencies that can be contacted for counseling support.

Crime Prevention Tips

If a crime problem has been identified, campus security will publish relevant information in the incident log section of this site. A listing of any reported criminal activity during the previous 60 days will be available. The incident log will also be maintained in the security office, which is located in room 112 of Davis Hall. This log can be inspected upon request between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. Problems will be identified and suggestions on preventative measures will be given that can lessen risk.

Other prevention programs will be provided on campus and will be announced in regular campus communications. Listed below are some tips for avoiding and/or dealing with criminal confrontations.

Campus Safety Reminder: Secure Your Vehicle

As we work together to maintain a safe environment on campus, we want to remind everyone to take extra precautions to protect their vehicles and personal belongings. Recent incidents of vehicle break-ins highlight the importance of not leaving any valuable items in plain sight. Athletic equipment, bags, and electronics left inside your car can attract thieves. Always lock your vehicle, roll up windows, and keep valuables out of sight. By staying alert and following these tips, we can help prevent theft and enhance safety for everyone on campus.

Walking at Night on Campus

  • Do not walk alone at night.
  • Stay away from dark, poorly lighted areas.
  • Always walk away from bushes and hedges.
  • Avoid shortcuts; use designated sidewalks.
  • Walk confidently and be alert, not with your head down.

Safety in Parking Lots

  • Always remove your keys and lock your car.
  • Park in well-lighted areas.
  • Check the area before leaving your car at night.
  • Look around and under your car when approaching.
  • Check the back seat of your vehicle before entering.
  • Remove valuables from unattended vehicles or lock them in the trunk.

Helpful Links

Below are some helpful links to read regarding security:

Who to Contact

Building Captains

The following is a list of building captains. For immediate assistance, security contact information is:
Chanaka Samaranayaka (Sam) 295-5911
Evening Security 295-5911

Business & Technology Building

Karen Handshy – 295-5834
Jim Long – 295-5527


Allen Eberwein – 295-5822
Trevor Biedron – 295-5917

Davis Hall

Natasha Perez – 295-5888
Tamie Rains – 295-5871

Fine Arts

Robyn Mabe – 295-5548

Fry & Woolman

Nancy Artaz – 295-5514
Jaime Alford – 295-5588

Garvey Art / Garvey PE

Robin Johnson – 295-5631
Vashti Jones – 295-5700


Heather Powell- 295-5607
Jeannie Booth- 295-5603


Bethany Gray – 295-5637
Jenn Walk- 295-5629

Physical Plant

Roger Danley – 295-5833
Courtney Hammond 295-5835


Amy Morgan – 295-5818
Gary Branum – 295-5557


Kammie Wendler – 295-5895
Judy Logan – 295-5864

Residence Life

Lacey Landenberger 295-5407
Sarah Cabral 295-5224
Brady Landenberger 295-5675
RAs assigned to buildings

In Case of Robbery or Attack

Every situation is different. Only you can be the judge of what action is appropriate. Be realistic about your ability to defend yourself. Resistance or yelling may help, but it may also lead to further harm. If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.

Should you be victimized, notify 911 and campus security immediately. Try to give a description that includes approximate age, height, weight, details of hair, clothing, direction of travel and weapons.

Security Contacts

Director of Security

Chanaka Samaranayaka (Sam)

Friends Security Officers

  • Wesley Miller
  • Nick Purdie
  • Christopher Martinez
  • Seth Slaughter
  • Willie Baker
  • Hunter Dreiling
  • Cody Phelps

Lenexa Education Center: 913-233-8700