Sep 17 2019

Free Adult Movement Class

Tuesday at

Riney Fine Arts Center and Sebits Fine Arts Addition, E16


Attire: Comfortable clothes that allow you to move. Socks or bare feet.
This class focuses on exploring major concepts of movement such as breath support, connectivity and movement dynamic inviting each person’s abilities. During the class, you will be guided through different movement experiences to promote a pliable body and a focused mind.
This class will focus on exploring movement from different artistic disciplines. Concepts like phrasing, and rhythm will be explored musically and with movement. This class welcomes all abilities, no previous dance training is necessary.

Both classes are free of cost. If you feel inclined to give a donation at the end of the semester, your donation will support dance majors need like funds to travel for conferences. It is not mandatory to come regularly; however is recommendable in order to nurture a movement/creative practice.

Please contact Professor Vazquez-Aguirre if you have questions:​