Mar 7 2019

Chapel-Kantis Simmons

Thursday at

Davis Administration Building, Alumni Auditorium


Kantis Simmons is a highly requested Keynote Speaker, Author and Leading Authority on School Success and STEM Education.

For the last 13 years, his mission has been to forestall the academic failure epidemic and STEM career decline sweeping across America’s schools and colleges.

With more than 25 years in school, 3 advanced scientific degrees, and more than a decade of working in the lab solving scientific problems for Mobil Chemical, NASA and CIBA Vision, today he travels the world solving the problems of students, parents, educators, schools, and colleges by delivering speeches, creating courses, and writing books.

Born with a birth defect, audiences readily respond when Kantis shares his humorous and proven 7.25 Finger Secrets on academic success, college readiness, teacher motivation and STEM education.