Below is a collection of student and alumni testimonials that showcase the difference a Friends University education can make!
Why I love Friends!
My definition of leadership would be motivating other people to do really hard things, while remaining joyful. I think that the joy piece to me, as I’ve grown in leadership, is the most important part. So, to me Leadership is being a joyful person that people want to follow and do difficult work.
Damon Young, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change graduate
For me at the heart of leadership is service. I don’t think you can lead without a heart for service. That theme runs through a lot of the leadership instruction that we have had at Friends. It starts with how do I serve other people and when you come at it from that angle; your motivation to lead is different.
Jennifer White, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change student
The OLTC program offered the opportunity I was looking for to develop and grow, as well as challenge myself to improve so that I can have a bigger impact in my workplace.
Katrina Dunn, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change
This University has provided more than just a degree; it has allowed me to see the world in a different light. I have grown personally and professionally. More importantly, I have become a part of something bigger than myself.
Rod Craft, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change graduate
As a returning adult student learner, Friends University gave me the chance to obtain my lifetime dream of earning a college degree. Though I was hesitant to begin, the fellowship of my peers at Friends assured me I had made the right decision.
Teketa Hardin, Community Development Manager Capitol Federal Savings Bank