Below is a collection of student and alumni testimonials that showcase the difference a Friends University education can make!
Why I love Friends!
After graduation, I did get the chance to move into the HR manager role at the Newton Medical Center from 2013 – 2017. Fortunately, that career growth and experience led me to my new position with Kansas Spine & Specialty Hospital in August 2017 as the new HR Manager of a great organization in Wichita.
Angela Anderson, Human Resource Management, Graduate, 2012
Completing my degree has always been a goal of mine and is the one thing in my life that I started but never finished. Thank goodness for Friends University in southwest Kansas!
Brent Merz, Accounting
I’m not surprised that Friends University is called one of the best colleges in the nation for adult learners. It’s a great university surrounded with good people who really want you to get to your final goals. Whatever you want to achieve in life, they’ll help you get there.
Byron McSwain, Business Management
As an Eagle Scout, I learned to give back. So becoming a student at Friends became an opportunity for me to not only become better educated, but also to lead others in the community as I have been so blessed to receive.
Chris Tice, Psychology
My definition of leadership would be motivating other people to do really hard things, while remaining joyful. I think that the joy piece to me, as I’ve grown in leadership, is the most important part. So, to me Leadership is being a joyful person that people want to follow and do difficult work.
Damon Young, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change graduate
Professor Pendleton’s sheer passion for her career shone through each and every day. Her passion combined with a wealth of intellectual knowledge in the field of Accounting led me to undertake a second degree into the subject. I speak with people across the city each week that continuously sing her praises.
Daniel Littler, Accounting graduate
For me at the heart of leadership is service. I don’t think you can lead without a heart for service. That theme runs through a lot of the leadership instruction that we have had at Friends. It starts with how do I serve other people and when you come at it from that angle; your motivation to lead is different.
Jennifer White, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change student
The OLTC program offered the opportunity I was looking for to develop and grow, as well as challenge myself to improve so that I can have a bigger impact in my workplace.
Katrina Dunn, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change
The instructors were very knowledgeable in what they were teaching. They would even go out of their way to take the time to make it feel like the class was customized just for me. Before attending Friends University, I was at an entry level position with my employer, and once I finished my degree was able to transition to a more senior level position/pay.
Richard Gaertner, Business Management
This University has provided more than just a degree; it has allowed me to see the world in a different light. I have grown personally and professionally. More importantly, I have become a part of something bigger than myself.
Rod Craft, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change graduate
My decision to attend Friends University outreach program in Garden City was the best ever. As a non-traditional student I get to pursue my dreams and take classes with a college that values God and His principles.
Susan Dreiling, Accounting, Garden City
As a returning adult student learner, Friends University gave me the chance to obtain my lifetime dream of earning a college degree. Though I was hesitant to begin, the fellowship of my peers at Friends assured me I had made the right decision.
Teketa Hardin, Community Development Manager Capitol Federal Savings Bank