Below is a collection of student and alumni testimonials that showcase the difference a Friends University education can make!
Why I love Friends!
I am glad that I took the leap to get my Master’s degree from Friends University. The assignments, discussions, and content I am learning pertains to the everyday classroom. My professors are knowledgeable and strive to meet the needs of the teachers they are educating. It is crazy to think I will have my Master’s degree in one year’s time. I can’t wait to see where my journey takes me!
Amber Navarro, USD 253
What really impressed and surprised me is what the program taught me about community and how we go about growing in community – it’s Jesus’ idea for the way we should live.
Barb Shaw, Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership
Friends University made me feel welcome from day one. Even though I was completing my classes online I feel like the teachers took their time to get to know me and really worked with me. The class sizes were smaller which made learning together ideal. I loved that I was able to choose the workshops that I wanted. I loved my experience and never had any problems. In fact I loved it so much that I convinced three other teachers from my school to join! They are so excited and cannot wait to get started!
Brandi Siebenaler, USD 253
One of my biggest frustrations is completing work that I don’t think I will ever need later in life – “busy work”. With this program, essentially everything was directly applicable, because the assignments were flexible enough to directly fit into my current teaching.
Brian Skinner, METL Graduate, USD 373 High School Special Ed Teacher
The MBA program is incredibly manageable. I have a family, a demanding job, a home to take care of, friends to keep up with etc. and my program didn’t place strain on any of those; it wasn’t easy, but definitely manageable.
Bronna (Nikki) Davis, MBA Graduate, 2017
After visiting campus, I chose Friends University, because I wanted a program that was thorough, yet moved at a quick pace, and was not overwhelming. I soon realized the instructors are always available when needed, and they are first-rate. The program caters to busy teachers, and the course work is practical and applicable.
Don Luthi, METL Graduate, Special Education teacher USD 305
I was very worried about the ability to keep up with my classes while being a full time professional, frontline physician and a medical director. The staff and professors were very supportive and accommodating. They were always available to answer any questions, even after hours or on weekends!
Dr. Chady Sarraf, Physician
My understanding of spirituality, how I practice my life, and how I move into the world around me has been shaped and formed in so many good ways through the CSFL program at Friends. I’m learning how to walk into a room like a leader even when I’m not in charge and that true ministry is not something we do, it’s an overflow of life with God in his kingdom.
Emily P. Freeman, author of The Next Right Thing and CSFL graduate
The MSFT program at Friends is student-focused, it is professionally relevant, it is well-respected and it is a family.
Erin Cavanaugh, Family Therapy
Getting my MBA was a great investment in my future. An amazing opportunity to get a quality education while balancing the demands of working and raising a family.
Jenny Niblock, MBA Graduate, 2017
I absolutely think this was a good investment! The material I learned has already been put into place in my classroom with ease and the student reactions have been awesome. It also allowed me to achieve a goal that I have had for myself for a long time!
Lori Moshier, METL Graduate, Instructor
Not only does the Master’s in Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership program take seriously our dire need for deeper discipleship practices, as a bi-vocational pastor, I can also attest that it delivers high-level instruction combined with exceptional value and a realistic pace that can fit even into a busy schedule. This was the program I was waiting for.
Neal Whitlow, bi-vocational pastor and CSFL graduate
Friends University encouraged me to explore gaps of service in the healthcare sector and prepared me with the skills to help lead change. Due to my research at Friends, Via Christi Health has implemented our nation’s first human trafficking education program and protocol for healthcare professionals.
Nicole Ensminger, Health Care Leadership Graduate 2014
Friends University has been the “gift that keeps on giving.” I continue to be impressed by the variety shown in the teacher workshop offerings. They are timely and critical to strengthening the level of expertise in my teaching craft. Based on these workshops and the summer graduate class offerings, I am able to return to my school in the fall with impactful lessons, technology strategies to enhance my instruction and leadership ideas for my team.
Ramona Kee-Adams, Master of Education in Teaching & Learning Graduate
I just want to take a minute to praise the Lord. I am amazed at what I have learned about myself in the last 3.5 years. I have had an amazing support system during this time. God has brought new people in my life and for that I am forever grateful…. He gave me the ability to get through it and helped me keep a 4.0! He is a great God and worthy of our praise!!
Randy Harris, Global MBA
As a graduate student it was all about the camaraderie with the other members of my class and the professors – it was always interesting, challenging and fun to learn.
Stu Meether
Visit the Global MBA Graduate Program page to learn more about the Global MBA Graduate program.
Toniesha Friday, Global MBA