Below is a collection of student and alumni testimonials that showcase the difference a Friends University education can make!
Why I love Friends!
I use my degree everyday with my freshmen and sophomores for English. In fact, as both navigate everything from poetry to graphic novels to articles to writing to Shakespeare, I still reference notes from my time at Friends and the great insights I got from class discussions.
Abby Belt, ELA and Reality 101 teacher
Our partnership with the Friends University marketing program was a fun and rewarding experience. The experience of our staff met with the enthusiasm and fresh perspective of the students, creating a fertile ground for mutual learning.
Adam Smith, Exploration Place; President and CEO
My primary major may determine what I do, but the CSF program will continue to develop how I do it and the kind of person I become.
AJ Cossell, Christian Spiritual Formation Graduate, 2017
I am glad that I took the leap to get my Master’s degree from Friends University. The assignments, discussions, and content I am learning pertains to the everyday classroom. My professors are knowledgeable and strive to meet the needs of the teachers they are educating. It is crazy to think I will have my Master’s degree in one year’s time. I can’t wait to see where my journey takes me!
Amber Navarro, USD 253
After graduation, I did get the chance to move into the HR manager role at the Newton Medical Center from 2013 – 2017. Fortunately, that career growth and experience led me to my new position with Kansas Spine & Specialty Hospital in August 2017 as the new HR Manager of a great organization in Wichita.
Angela Anderson, Human Resource Management, Graduate, 2012
I think the positive Christian environment and role models at Friends University make for a great educational experience and exhibit a family and caring atmosphere that have helped me throughout my career.
Ardith Rooney Dunn, Health and Physical Education, Math Major
What really impressed and surprised me is what the program taught me about community and how we go about growing in community – it’s Jesus’ idea for the way we should live.
Barb Shaw, Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership
What was it like to be a student during the first few years at Friends University? Many of the conveniences students enjoy now were lacking 125 years ago.
Being a Friends student then and now
Friends University made me feel welcome from day one. Even though I was completing my classes online I feel like the teachers took their time to get to know me and really worked with me. The class sizes were smaller which made learning together ideal. I loved that I was able to choose the workshops that I wanted. I loved my experience and never had any problems. In fact I loved it so much that I convinced three other teachers from my school to join! They are so excited and cannot wait to get started!
Brandi Siebenaler, USD 253
Completing my degree has always been a goal of mine and is the one thing in my life that I started but never finished. Thank goodness for Friends University in southwest Kansas!
Brent Merz, Accounting
One of my biggest frustrations is completing work that I don’t think I will ever need later in life – “busy work”. With this program, essentially everything was directly applicable, because the assignments were flexible enough to directly fit into my current teaching.
Brian Skinner, METL Graduate, USD 373 High School Special Ed Teacher
The MBA program is incredibly manageable. I have a family, a demanding job, a home to take care of, friends to keep up with etc. and my program didn’t place strain on any of those; it wasn’t easy, but definitely manageable.
Bronna (Nikki) Davis, MBA Graduate, 2017
Having grown up in a small town, I desired to attend a university that had that same tight-knit community feel. From the first moment I stepped on campus, I knew Friends University was the right school for me. Here, I was able to build meaningful relationships with peers inside and outside of my degree program, […]
Brooke Aziere, Partner Foulston Siefkin LLP
Working with the Friends University marketing students was an enriching experience!
Brooke Rowzee, Director of Exhibits; Exploration Place
I’m not surprised that Friends University is called one of the best colleges in the nation for adult learners. It’s a great university surrounded with good people who really want you to get to your final goals. Whatever you want to achieve in life, they’ll help you get there.
Byron McSwain, Business Management
The format of the classes and the faculty is the perfect mix. Most faculty have real-world experience that helps them to understand the actual needs of the students.
Carter Bowen, Finance Major
Friends University is a close knit school that will look for ways to assist anyone with a desire to achieve their dream of a higher education like me.
Charles Webb, Business Management
When I became interested in Christian Studies the faculty of the religion department were welcoming and warm. They taught not only about what the word of God says but more importantly how to live a Christ filled life…. The skills I mastered at Friends go far beyond what I could write in this short statement but it’s safe to say were it not for Friends University and most importantly the people at Friends University I would certainly not be a physician here in Wichita.
Chris Cassidy, Emergency Physician at Wesley Medical Center
The education team appreciated the feedback from the students. Some of the changes they suggested have already been implemented in our School’s Out Edventure Camps, such as increasing student engagement.
Chris Flippo, Senior Director of Education; Exploration Place
As an Eagle Scout, I learned to give back. So becoming a student at Friends became an opportunity for me to not only become better educated, but also to lead others in the community as I have been so blessed to receive.
Chris Tice, Psychology