Why I love Friends!

Below is a collection of student and alumni testimonials that showcase the difference a Friends University education can make!

Undergraduate | Adult Undergraduate | Graduate

Friends University Testimonial

I feel that my education from Friends meets or exceeds the standards set by bigger universities. The small class sizes enabled professors to move at a comfortable pace and allowed me to learn in an environment where I could ask questions. The mentorships that I have found in the professors at Friends are what made my education truly memorable. These mentors have spent countless hours outside the classroom giving career advice, sharing their own experiences and preparing me for the real world.

Heather Yates, Accounting Graduate, 2014, Koch Industries Employee
History of Friends University

Friends University was officially founded in 1898, our history goes back to the mid-1880s when the Christian Churches of Kansas began to construct a building west of Wichita that would hold more floor space under one roof than any other educational facility west of the Mississippi River.

History of Friends University
Jack Leyden, 7th grade English Teacher

Being a teacher allows you to share your passion for language and literature while shaping young minds. It’s a rewarding opportunity to inspire students to communicate effectively and appreciate the power of words.

Jack Leyden, 7th grade English Teacher
Friends University Testimonial

You have the opportunity to be so much more than a teacher. For instance, I’m often a stand-in mother, a nurse, a disciplinarian, a counselor, a clown, a librarian, a referee and a coach.

Jennifer Englemann, English Education, Kindergarten Teacher.
Jennifer White, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change student

For me at the heart of leadership is service. I don’t think you can lead without a heart for service. That theme runs through a lot of the leadership instruction that we have had at Friends. It starts with how do I serve other people and when you come at it from that angle; your motivation to lead is different.

Jennifer White, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change student
Friends University Testimonial

Getting my MBA was a great investment in my future. An amazing opportunity to get a quality education while balancing the demands of working and raising a family.

Jenny Niblock, MBA Graduate, 2017
John Ralston, Washburn University School of Law

The community, culture, and curriculum at Friends provided both a great launching pad for my career and a solid foundation to help me stay connected in my hometown of Wichita. I couldn’t be more proud to be a Falcon!

John Ralston, Washburn University School of Law
Jordyn Buhler, High School English Teacher

Getting a degree in English Education at Friends University helped prepare me for being a teacher. I feel proficient and confident about my content area which helps my students learn and engage more within the classroom.

Jordyn Buhler, High School English Teacher
Josh Erickson, MBA

My favorite thing about the MBA program is how flexible all the faculty have been with my work schedule.

Josh Erickson, MBA
Josiah Brown, Christian Spiritual Formation Graduate, 2017

I am thankful for the CSF program for giving me good and beautiful images of God, enabling me to live more fully into my vocation, providing opportunities to serve and ultimately teaching me how to love God and my neighbor with more of my heart, soul, mind and strength.

Josiah Brown, Christian Spiritual Formation Graduate, 2017
Katrina Dunn, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change

The OLTC program offered the opportunity I was looking for to develop and grow, as well as challenge myself to improve so that I can have a bigger impact in my workplace.

Katrina Dunn, Organizational Leadership and Transformational Change
Friends University Testimonial

Faculty made it a point to provide numerous opportunities for students to be successful outside of the classroom – via internships, volunteer opportunities and job offerings.

Kevin Diemer, Business Administration Graduate, 2014
Laura Head, Spanish Major

I chose Friends University because of their great Spanish department led by professor Jerry Smartt. I have had so many social work programs where I have used my Spanish. It helped me become the person that I was always meant to be.

Laura Head, Spanish Major
Friends University Testimonial

You learn to look beyond what you see in front of you. You learn to draw conclusions based on what you have and to continue to search for answers. While attending Friends University, I especially enjoyed the lab work, which was usually outdoors and off campus and allowed me to get my hands dirty.

Lindsay Bryant, Biology Student
Lisa Paine, Executive Director at Juniper Arts Academy, Inc.

Studying English Literature in college equipped me with pivotal skills in public speaking, analytical perspectives, critical thinking, and narrative writing that I utilize daily in my role as an Executive Director at the nonprofit organization, Juniper Arts Academy.

Lisa Paine, Executive Director at Juniper Arts Academy, Inc.
Logan Earnst, Inside Agent at Roy Group

English is used every single day, and it was what ultimately led me to getting the position at Roy Group. We use English when we write emails, create memos, and speak on the phone to clients. An English degree when spoken of and utilized correctly, is one of the most beneficial degrees when acquiring a profession.

Logan Earnst, Inside Agent at Roy Group
Friends University Testimonial

I absolutely think this was a good investment! The material I learned has already been put into place in my classroom with ease and the student reactions have been awesome. It also allowed me to achieve a goal that I have had for myself for a long time!

Lori Moshier, METL Graduate, Instructor
Matt Skillen, English

And, now that I have worked in higher education, I believe Friends University employs well-respected scholars and attracts some of the best students around.

Matt Skillen, English
Friends University Testimonial

It was amazing. I got to work with a number of zoos in South Africa. I had the privilege of learning how African zoos are operated. I got to learn from them as well as share my knowledge of zoos and animal husbandry that I learned from my experiences in U.S. zoos and at Friends University.

Michael Clifford, Zoo Science Graduate
Mitch McClay

My best college memories were the camaraderie of being a fellow science student and winning our first conference golf title.

Mitch McClay