Financial Aid Forms

Students have a variety of financial aid options, including Federal Pell Grants, Federal direct loans and institutional aid. It is important that you start the financial aid process as early as possible, so that your file can be completed before classes begin. Please read up on Early FAFSA before starting the process.

Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Step 2: Complete and/or provide the appropriate documentation requested by the Financial Aid Office, which may include the following. If you are unsure which form is required of you, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 316-295-5100 or

Step 3: Submit financial aid forms by selecting one of the of the following options:

  • In Person: Davis Administration Building, Room 209
  • Fax: 316-295-5703
  • Mail: 2100 W University Ave, Attn: Office of Financial Aid, Wichita, KS 67213
  • Email: Must be encrypted or you may log into your Friends University Student Email in Outlook and select “Encrypt” to safely encrypt your email.

Financial Changes Due to COVID-19

If your family is experiencing financial issues (income reduction, job loss or other extenuating circumstances), specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic or otherwise, your Expected Family Contribution may be eligible for re-valuation by the financial aid office at Friends University. To discuss a possible Professional Judgment, please schedule an appointment with a financial aid advisor at

2025-2026 Financial Aid Forms

You can download 2025-2026 financial aid forms below:

2024-2025 Financial Aid Forms

You can download 2024-2025 financial aid forms below: